MoU signing ceremony between PITAC HQ Lahore and NAVTTC Regional Office Punjab for the provision of Hi-end trainings under Prime Minster’s Skills for ALL Hunarmand Pakistan Program (Kamyab Jawan Initiatives).
Engr. Muhammad Irfan Zaheer, Director General / Head of Organization PITAC and Rana Muhammad Saleem Afzal, Director General (Punjab) NAVTTC, Lahore Singed and exchanged the MoU. Engr. Muhammad Irfan Jarral, Director (Operations and Works), Muhammad Irfan, Assistant Director (Training) from PITAC also participated in the signing ceremony. PITAC is providing the Advanced level trainings in the fields of Cloud Computing, Certificate in Information Technology, Non-Destructive testing and Industrial Automation (PLC) to the unemployed youth of Pakistan for their skill development to enhance youth employability. These courses are fully funded by the Federal Government of Pakistan.

Respected Team