In the ever changing industrial and engineering environment, design using the latest software packages has become a prerequisite for any discerning engineer. PITAC has recognised these demands placed upon engineers in Pakistan and has devised courses which meet the challenges. Our courses are designed so that a number of different level engineers and studentscan adjust seamlessly and become proficient in their selected engineering design software. As well as standard drafting on design boards, the software packages we employ are used as an industry standard throughout the Engineering World and we have the staff and engineers to guide, teach or developyour projects/products. Our in-house team are Japanese trained engineers who use their design software everyday and have attained expert status.
Some of the software we use and teach are as follows:
3D CAD/CAM (DelCam, PowerShape and PowerMill)
ProEngineer Wildfire 4.0
AutoCad (Mechanical, Electrical and Civil)
EDD provides many valuable services to its customers.
Some of our Projects are:
Our some of valuable customers are